Once you enter the DQFanSurvey you will be asked certain questions regarding the quality of the food and the service. This survey creates a WIN-WIN situation, where both the user as well as the company gets the benefits. The company gets all the good wills, and the appreciation while the user gets the best service satisfaction and of course the Dilly Bar!
Give in your honest answers to the questions so that you could redeem a FREE Dilly Bar on your DQ visit!
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DQFanSurvey Customer Satisfaction Survey
Dairy Queen was established in the year 1940 by John F. McCullough.
John, along with his son Alex developed the soft-serve formula for the ice-creams and they were first sold in their friend’s ice-cream store. On the first day itself, around 1600 of them got sold within 2 hours! Later, John and his friend Sherb Noble, the same ice-cream store owner started off with the first Dairy Queen store in the year 1940.
Even till this present, Dairy Queen has kept on its standards and is the most loved place among the kids, adults, and even other businessmen.
They are currently into a line of fast-food options like sandwiches, burgers, french fries along with the milkshakes, ice-creams, and all the delicious frozen treats!
Coming to the DQFanSurvey is an online survey like a feedback form that you have to fill up. With this, the company could better understand the user demands and interests in a better way.
While on the other hand, customers get a chance to enjoy a FREE Dilly Bar which is exclusively available at the DQ!
Prerequisites for – DQFanSurvey DairyQueen Feedback
Before you get into the survey, you need to make sure that you got all the things required to participate. They are given as follows:
- One smart device has an internet connection on it. Without this net service, you won’t be able to perform almost anything these days.
- The latest DQ receipt with the survey code clearly printed. This is the key element needed for the DQ Fan Survey.
- You should be familiar with the English, Spanish or French language otherwise you won’t be able to process the survey on your own.
- The age of the applicant should be of 18 years or above.
That’s pretty much the things that you have to keep a check for the Survey you are going to conduct. The Survey Code and the Internet service remain the mandatory elements.
Take the DQFanSurvey on www.dqfanfeedback.com
There are two websites available for the DQ Survey; one is the dqfanfeedback.com and the other one is dqfansurvey.com. You could give your surveys on any one of these websites since both of them are verified.
Steps to be followed for the DQFanSurvey goes like:
- Go to the www.dqfansurvey.com or the www.dqfanfeedback.com
- Before proceeding with the survey, check for a lock icon on the left side of the web address. This shows that the website is secure with the SSL encryption. It is necessary to check the website is verified one, as you are going to enter personal data on this site. Also check the spelling of the website is typed correctly, to prevent any phishing attack.
- Below all the page details, you will find the language options. By default, the page of www.dqfansurvey.com will be loaded in English. You can choose between French and Spanish too. Select the preferred language, and go ahead with the survey. Make sure that you select the language in the first place before starting the survey.
- As the first page loads, you will be asked to enter the 19-digits Survey Code. This is for the people opting for the dqfanfeedback website.
- If you have chosen the dqfanfeedback for filling the survey, you will have to enter the 10 digit phone number printed on the receipt. Then you will be asked the date and time of your visit.
- After all the details are filled up, click on the red coloured Start button.
- Once you are through the first page, you will get different questions related to the experience, food quality, cleanliness, and the overall service.
- The filling of the dairy queen survey may take some time. Well, be honest with the reviews and give a genuine reply to the questions asked to you.
- After the survey work gets over, you will have to provide your contact number. This will be used for sharing the DQ coupon codes and your sweepstakes entry.
- This is where you get the redemption code which is the validation code for your free Dilly bar! Write this code on the receipt, and take the receipt along with you on your next DQ visit.
These are the steps that you need to follow for completing the DQFanSurvey. Don’t forget to note down the redemption code that is displayed at the end, as you won’t be able to retrieve it later.
What are the Rewards for each DQFanSurvey
It’s just not about the free Dilly Bar that you get at the end of the DQFanSurvey, but the many other advantages like:
- You must be happy that you are getting the chance to contribute to the DQ’s quality enhancement program. This improves the quality of the food served, which will automatically increase your satisfaction too.
- You will get all the updates on different offers and other DQ promotions – on your cell phone. This way, you could remain updated no matter where you are!
- DQ authority will analyze all the answers received by the people and then work towards making the required changes as per the customer demands.
- The final reward is none other than the FREE Dilly Bar, which is an exclusive ice-cream only available at the DQ store.
If you have been to the DQ store recently, then take the SURVEY today itself and grab your DILLY BAR!